渡 康彦
渡 康彦 | |
学部 | 臨床教育学部 |
学科名 | 児童教育学科 |
役職名 | 教授 |
保有学位 | 博士(農学) |
英文表記 | WATARI, Yasuhiko |
環境と生物 理科概論 栽培学 栽培学実習
生理学 専門演習 大学生活入門 キャリア基礎
著書 「耐性の昆虫学」(東海大学出版、共著)「休眠の昆虫学」
1,概日時計の生態学的研究― 活動時刻・羽化時刻の適応的意義の解析
(基盤研究C 平成14-16年度、課題番号14540586)研究代表者
2,概日リズムの生理学的研究- 土中で蛹化する昆虫の羽化の温度位相反応曲線の解析
(基盤研究C 平成19-21年度、課題番号19570075)研究代表者
(基盤研究C 平成22-24年度、課題番号22570028) 研究分担者
(基盤研究C 平成24-26年度、課題番号24570090) 研究代表者
(基盤研究C 平成25-27年度、課題番号25440244) 研究分担者
6, 土中温度環境への昆虫概日時計の適応機構を探る
(基盤研究C 平成29-31年度、課題番号17K07480) 研究分担者
研究室での飼育生物 タマネギバエ、キイロショウジョウバエ、マダカスカルゴキブリ、カブトムシ、スズムシ、ウーパールーパー
1. What accounts for the difference in the emergence times of Drosophila melanogaster between the first and second eclosion days? Watari, Y., Goto, S. G., Miyazaki, Y., Kuroki, I and Tanaka, K. Entomological Science(印刷中)
2. Weak and strong phase response curves of the onion fly circadian clock at temperature changes of 1 ◦C and 4 ◦C. Miyazaki, Y., Tanaka, K. and Watari, Y. Physiological Entomology(印刷中)
3. Dependence of phase setting on the amplitude of square-wave and pseudo-sinusoidal temperature cycles in the circadian eclosion rhythm of the onion fly Delia antiqua. Miyazaki, Y., Tanaka, K. and Watari, Y. Physiological Entomology 43 346-356. (2018)
4. Day-to-day variations in the amplitude of the soil temperature cycle and impact on adult eclosion timing of the onion fly. Tanaka, K. and Watari, Y. International Journal of Biometeorology 61. 1011–1016. (2017)
5. Temperature cycle amplitude alters the adult eclosion time and expression pattern of the circadian clock gene period in the onion fly. Miyazaki, Y, Watari, Y., Tanaka, K. and Goto, S. G. Journal of Insect Physiology 86. 54-59. (2016)
6. Effects of background light conditions on thermoperiodic eclosion rhythm of onion fly Delia antiqua. Watari, Y. and Tanaka, K. Entomological Science 17, 191-197. (2014)
7. The onion fly modulates the adult eclosion time in response to amplitude of temperature cycle. Tanaka, K. and Watari, Y. Naturwissenschaften 98. 711-715. (2011)
8. Interacting effect of thermoperiod and photoperiod on the eclosion rhythm in the onion fly, Delia antiqua supports the two-oscillator model. Watari, Y. and Tanaka, K. Journal of Insect Physiology 56. 1192-1197. (2010)
9. Dose early morning adult eclosion in insects is adaptation to the increased moisture at dawn? Tanaka, K. and Watari, Y. Biological Rhythm Research 40. 293-298.(2009)
10. Comparison of the circadian eclosion rhythm between non-diapause and diapause pupae in the onion fly, Delia antiqua: the change of rhythmicity. Watari, Y. Journal of Insect Physiology 51. 11-16. (2005)
11. Adult eclosion timing of the onion fly, Delia antiqua, in response to daily cycles of temperature at different soil depths. Tanaka, K. and Watari, Y. Naturwissenschaften 90: 76-79. (2003)
12. Comparison of the circadian eclosion rhythm between non-diapause and diapause pupae in the onion fly, Delia antiqua: the effect of thermoperiod. Watari, Y. Journal of Insect Physiology 48: 881-886. (2002)
13. Comparison of the circadian eclosion rhythm between non-diapause and diapause pupae in the onion fly, Delia antiqua. Watari, Y. Journal of Insect Physiology 48: 83-89. (2002)